Contractors & Suppliers

Strong Partnerships Make All The Difference
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Contractor Resources

Doing Business with Worthington

Thank you for your interest in becoming a service provider to Worthington Steel.

At Worthington Steel, we believe in treating our customers, employees, investors and suppliers as we would like to be treated. We expect that our contractors conduct business in a way consistent with the unique principles and values of our company. For your company to be considered as an onsite contractor for Worthington Steel, you must be compliant with our Contractor Safety Program. Our program requires that contractors provide insurance that meets our minimum requirements consistent with our risk matrix and sign our Contractor Safety Requirements

Please reach out to your Worthington Steel project manager or purchasing representative with any questions about working with us.


Supplier Resources

Information for Suppliers

At Worthington Steel, our suppliers are a valuable part of our business and we cannot operate successfully without the work they do to supply the quality materials we need.

Whether you’re an existing supplier or interested in working with us for the first time, you can find the resources you need below.