Thirty years ago, a young Colleen Philabaum sat at home during winter break, watching the news. A segment featuring Worthington Industries caught her attention. The mention of international business struck a chord with the Miami University student, who was studying the subject herself.
“I remember going back to school, finding a company contact in our database and sending off a letter and resume,” said Philabaum. “Then I called every week until they gave me a job.”
That determination marked the beginning of a long and impactful career. Today, Philabaum serves as director of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) integration at Worthington Steel, where she helps newly acquired companies navigate their transition into the Worthington family. Along the way, she has worked across nearly every division of the Company, embraced global opportunities and built a strong reputation.
I told the global business development manager that if they ever needed someone in Austria, I’d volunteer to go. Literally, a week and a day later, I was on my way.”
Philabaum returned to the U.S. in 2001 and spent time in a variety of roles. From 10 years managing inside sales to leading transformation efforts and a stint in HR, she consistently raised her hand for new opportunities. Today, her role as director of M&A integration, allows Philabaum to combine the Company knowledge and international expertise she’s honed over the years.
“I love introducing new teams to Our Philosophy and helping them see what makes Worthington Steel unique,” she said. “It’s about showing them they’re part of something bigger and that we truly care about people.”
Her manager, Josh Oakes, senior director of strategy and corporate development said, “Colleen’s broad-based experience lends credibility and resonates with teams at businesses we acquire. When they see a leader who has been here three decades living Our Philosophy every day, they recognize the valuable culture we have and quickly want to be a part of it.”
Colleen pictured: Front row, second from the right.
Both professionally and personally, Philabaum is passionate about lifting up others. She serves as Board-Chair Elect for Women for Economic and Leadership Development (WELD), an organization dedicated to helping women advance in their careers.
“WELD gave me another community outside of work,” said Philabaum. “It was a place where I could learn, grow and validate the skills I bring to the table. Now, I’m honored to help other women do the same.”
She credits Worthington Steel for supporting her involvement. “This Company has always encouraged me to grow, both personally and professionally. The backing of my work with WELD is just one example.”
Colleen pictured: Front row, third from the left.
Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity to come to you. Advocate for yourself and never be afraid to raise your hand.”